COVID-19 and End of NRAS Year Update

The end of the NRAS year (30 April) is fast approaching. AAHS has been collecting the relevant information throughout the year as the documents become due. Generally outstanding documents relate to March and April and only affect dwellings with documents due in those months. AAHS will submit claims for completed dwellings by the due date, 30 June 2020.

NRAS Market Index for the 2020-21 NRAS Year

When your investment property is first available for rent, and at the end of the 4th and 7th years of your incentive period, a market rent valuation is completed to establish the market value rent of your property. This valuation is used to calculate the maximum rent that can be charged to your tenants, ensuring it does not exceed 80% of the market value rent.

Churchill Report - Samantha Evans

During 2019, AAHS CEO Samantha Evans, completed a four week Churchill Fellowship program travelling to San Francisco, Boston, Washington D.C and London meeting shared equity experts in the USA and UK.

The Opportunity to Build a Success Story for Affordable Housing in Australia

As the dust settles on the 2019 election result, AAHS along with the property and development industries in general, welcomes the announcement of a dedicated Housing Minister as part of the new cabinet declared by the Prime Minister Scott Morrison.  The Honourable Michael Sukkar has been confirmed as Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Housing and recognises housing affordability as a national issue for the Morrison Government.

2018-19 NRAS Year Incentive Claim Update

AAHS has been working with property managers throughout the year to ensure we have all the relevant documents and that they are submitted on time.  AAHS submitted all our NRAS Incentive claims to the Department of Social Services (DSS) for the 2018-19 year on Friday 10 May, well in advance of the June 30 deadline.

NRAS Market Index Update

AAHS has received the NRAS Market Index figures effective from 1 May 2019  to 30 April 2020 for each capital city as detailed below. The NRAS market rent is indexed according to the Rental component of the Housing Group Consumer Price Index (CPI), December to December quarter, as at 1 March.

AAHS CEO honoured with 2018 Churchill Fellowship

Australian Affordable Housing Securities Ltd (AAHS) CEO, Samantha Evans has been awarded a 2018 Churchill Fellowship alongside a diverse range of other exemplary Australian seeking excellence in their chosen field.

NEWS RELEASE – CHL Partnership

Australian Affordable Housing Securities Ltd (AAHS), one of the largest approved participants managing compliance under the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS), is set to add a further 1,000 properties to its compliance management portfolio.