Preparing for the end of NRAS

The NRAS commenced in 2008, providing an annual incentive to approved participants to provide affordable rental dwellings at least 20 percent below market rates. Dwellings began to exit the NRAS from August 2018 and incentive allocations will reach their conclusion through to June 2026.

2020-21 State NRAS Incentive Payments

AAHS has now received the 2020-21 State incentive payments for QLD, WA  and NSW. We have commenced and will continue to issue funds to Investors that have already received their RTO for the property

Groundbreaking partnership initiative success for CHL

As a key member of the Building Communities consortium, Community Housing Limited (CHL) is delighted to announce the consortium has been nominated as the preferred proponent to redevelop vacant Homes Victoria land in Brighton, Flemington and Prahran.

2020-2021 NRAS Incentive Claim Update

AAHS successfully submitted all 3,393 Incentive claims on 24 May 2021. The Department of Social Services (DSS) have started processing the claims. We anticipate the claims will be ready for Delegate approval by the end of July. AAHS will issue the Refundable Tax Offset Certificate (RTO) once we have received notification from the DSS.

AAHS Christmas Closure

2020 has brought some very challenging times for everyone around Australia and we have all had to make changes at a very fast pace to keep up with the constantly evolving environment in which we work and live. AAHS has been amazed at the resilience of our staff and the other organisations we work with and are proud that, as a team, we have managed to adapt, support those affected through this difficult time and continue our operations without any major impacts to our service.

2019-20 NRAS Year Incentive Claim Update #3

AAHS has now received the 2019-20 State incentive payments for VIC, QLD, SA and WA and are awaiting the NSW payments. We have commenced and will continue to issue funds over the next seven days to Investors that have received their RTO for properties . Please refer to the update below for further detail on when you should receive your incentive payment to your nominated bank account for each State.

2019-20 NRAS Year Incentive Claim Update #1

AAHS has successfully submitted all Incentive Claims on 15th May 2020. The Department of Social Services (DSS) have started processing the claims. We anticipate the claims will be ready for Delegate approval by the 30th June 2020. AAHS will issue the Refundable Tax Offset Certificate (RTO) when we receive advice.

AAHS secures additional NRAS incentives

AAHS is excited to welcome 208 new investors who were transferred by the Department of Social Service (DSS) to AAHS from another Approved Participant following their withdrawal from the NRAS.

COVID-19 and End of NRAS Year Update

The end of the NRAS year (30 April) is fast approaching. AAHS has been collecting the relevant information throughout the year as the documents become due. Generally outstanding documents relate to March and April and only affect dwellings with documents due in those months. AAHS will submit claims for completed dwellings by the due date, 30 June 2020.